Kristóf Kelemen 

Director, playwright, dramaturg, theatre maker
— based in Budapest, Hungary

I studied literature and theatre dramaturgy, and obtained my PhD at the University of Theatre and Film Arts in Budapest. As a theatre maker, I create research-based projects with different types of collaborative methods. I'm focused on the genre of documentary theatre with the goal to create narratives between reality and fiction. There are many topics that I am interested in, for example collective memory and the unspoken past of societies, the forgotten history of the LGBTQ+ community, and the analysis of global capitalism and contemporary political rhetoric, particularly right-wing populism. I enjoy experimenting with many different forms and mediums (e.g. lecture performances, fictional dramas, virtual reality, etc.), and have worked under various institutional frameworks, both in municipal theatres and the independent theatre scene. My performances have been showcased at a number of international festivals, including Fast Forward in Dresden, Spielart in Munich, and Theaterfestival Basel.


2016-2022 – PhD in Arts at the University of Theatre and Film Arts in Budapest
2010-2015 – Theatre dramaturgy at the University of Theatre and Film Arts in Budapest
2008-2010 – Hungarian literature at the University of Pécs


2024 – Some Viewers May Find This Distracting (Trafó House of Contemporary Arts)
2023 – Habitual Residence (with Tímea Török, Sidewalk 1st Budapest Biennale of Contemporary Public Art)
2023 – Necromancy (Veszprém-Balaton 2023 European Capital of Culture)
2022 – The Widow of the Nation (Örkény István Theatre)
2021 – Roberto Bolaño: The Savage Detectives (Radnóti Miklós Theatre)
2021 – Nike, the Statue of our Liberty (Trafó House of Contemporary Arts)
2019 – Talent Development with Wine Tasting (with Bence György Pálinkás, Júlia Regényi and Judit Tarr, MU Theatre)
2018 – Observers (Trafó House of Contemporary Arts)
2017 – Hungarian Acacia (with Bence György Pálinkás, Trafó House of Contemporary Arts)
2016 – While You Are Reading This Title We Are Talking About You (Trafó House of Contemporary Arts)
2015 – Retour-Ticket (Janus University Theatre, Pécs)
2014 – I Have Nothing To Do Among So Many Dreamers (Summer Theatre Festival of Zsámbék)


From 2016 – Dramaturg of Radnóti Miklós Theatre in Budapest.

Dramaturg of Árpád Schilling (Eiswind, Wien), Róbert Alföldi (Incendies, Budapest), Mihály Schwechtje (Gina, Budapest), Szabolcs Hajdu (Gloria, Budapest), etc.

Theatre making workshop leader and teacher (University of Theatre and Film Arts in Budapest, University of Theater Arts in Târgu-Mureş, Tomcsa Sándor Theatre in Odorheiu Secuiesc)  

Participant of Berliner Theatertreffen’s International Forum in 2023 and Wiener Festwochen’s In the Field program in 2024.

Participant of workshops with Hans-Werner Kroesinger, Rimini Protokoll, F.I.N.D. Plus.

Intern at the Münchner Kammerspiele (in the performances of Stephan Kimmig, Luk Perceval, Martin Kušej and David Marton).


2020 – Junior Prima Prize
2020 – Bécsy Tamás Prize
2019 – Prize of Theatre Critics Guild for Observes, in two category: best new Hungarian play, best independent performance of the year
2019 – Halász Péter Prize, nomination for Observers
2019 – Contemporary Hungarian Drama Prize for Observers
2018 – Critics’ Prize for Hungarian Acacia, Thealter Festival, Szeged
2017 – Staféta Prize with the production Observers
2016 – Prize of Theatre Critics Guild, nominated for While You Are Reading This Title...
2015 – Titánium Prize with the production While You Are Reading This Title...